Preparation Department
Post time:2022-11-12   Source:

The preparation center of our hospital was established in 1956 with a history of about 58 years. It has obtained the production license and certification from Shaanxi Food and Drug Administration, and issued the Preparation Production License. It can produce more than 10 dosage forms such as pills, powder, paste, Dan and mixture, with 206 preparation approval number. It has 1.21 million yuan of instruments and equipment for drug testing and pharmaceutical research, 4.67 million yuan of production equipment, and has received key support from the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of 975,000 yuan of preparation capacity, which has greatly improved the preparation capacity.

In terms of scientific research and variety construction, the pharmaceutical preparation center of our hospital cooperated with the construction of key clinical specialties and famous medical studios, actively applied for various scientific research funds, and constantly developed new preparations and new varieties. At present, the hospital has been researching more than 20 scientific research projects at the national, provincial, municipal and bureau levels, and has won more than 10 provincial, municipal and bureau level scientific and technological achievements awards.

In terms of technology, we have continuously strengthened the team building, and introduced the corresponding majors of college students and master students from colleges and universities for many consecutive years to supplement our drug testing and production team. Up to 2013, there were 29 pharmaceutical technicians in our hospital. Among them, 3 have a graduate degree, 11 have a bachelor's degree and 5 have a junior college degree. Four have obtained senior professional and technical qualifications and three have obtained intermediate professional and technical qualifications.

In terms of management, we adhere to the management philosophy of quality-oriented, cherishing tradition and pursuing development. In order to ensure the quality of preparations, we have formulated a series of management systems and operating procedures, and set up a quality management team consisting of the director in charge, the director of the preparation department and the director of the drug testing room. The hospital preparation quality accident management system and records, hospital preparation adverse reaction system, adverse reaction report system and records were established, and the production and inspection were carried out in strict accordance with the "Pharmaceutical Preparation Quality Management Standard for Medical Institutions".

In 2014, with our move north, the hospital preparation department also ushered in the new development opportunity, has built 3200 square meters of buildings, building new preparations fully carried out in accordance with the production standards for preparation of medical institution ", "design, for a large number of instruments and equipment at the same time, new equipment to achieve the advanced level of the medical preparation industry, and organic combination of traditional crafts, to fully guarantee the curative effect of varieties of preparation.

Introduction of special hospital preparations of Xi 'an Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Xi 'an Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine preparation department is approved by the food and Drug Administration of the hospital preparation production department, preparation equipment advanced, rigorous process, strong technical force. It has more than 100 kinds of preparations, covering pills, powder, paste, Dan, tablet, capsule, granule, syrup, oral liquid and other 13 dosage forms. It is the accumulation of clinical experience of experts in the past decades since the establishment of the hospital, and has distinctive Chinese medicine characteristics. It is widely used in clinical practice, reliable curative effect, and highly praised by the majority of patients.

1. Liver and spleen bolus

Is a national name old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and liver and spleen pill and academic experience of inheritance mentor Huang Baozhong experience of chief physician, made by the traditional craft of honey pill, in clinical application has more than 60 years of history, has an amuse oneself and stomach, liver t2dm etc, used for diseases with ease, spleen and stomach with type of liver disease caused by eating less stay, not comfortable or liver area pain at two side.

2. Yiyin Capsule

Yiyin Capsule is an experienced prescription of gao Shanglin, a national famous old Chinese medicine doctor and the chief physician who inherits the academic experience. It has been used in clinical practice for nearly 10 years. It has the functions of nourishing Yin, clearing away heat and eliminating irritability, etc. It is used for the irritability, heat and gas, sweating and insomnia caused by Yin deficiency.

3. Rickets

Infantile Chancroid tablet is a pure Chinese medicine preparation developed by Yang Zhen, a national famous old Chinese medicine doctor and director of academic experience inheritance tutor. It has a clinical application history of more than 10 years in our hospital. It has the function of clearing collaterals and eliminating phlegm, relieving depression and transforming dampness, and it is used for fatty liver and hyperlipidemia.

4. Jujube Kernel Ningxin capsule

Zaoren Ningxin capsule is an experienced prescription of Zhang Suqing, a famous old traditional Chinese medicine doctor in Shaanxi Province, who inherited the academic experience. This preparation has the effect of nourishing the heart and calming the mind, and is used for various kinds of organic heart disease, arrhythmia, aged atherosclerosis caused by palpitation, upset, insomnia, chest tightness, shortness of breath and other diseases. After more than 30 years of clinical use, the results are reliable and safe to take.

5. Tuckahoe tablets

China root slices is the national famous dermatologist Jiang Shujing chief physician experience, after the old preparation of workers in our elaborate design and practice of internal and preparations, has a history of nearly 30 years of clinical application, obvious effect, has qingrejiedu, spleen lishi, functions of antipruritic effect, can be used for such as eczema, itchy skin.

6. Relieving pills for hemorrhoids fistula

Xiaowan of Hemorrhoid fistula is a pure Traditional Chinese medicine preparation developed by Wang Fanglin, the famous expert of anorectal disease, the founder of our hospital's anorectal department. It has nearly 50 years of clinical application history in our hospital, with the efficacy of clearing heat, cooling blood, laxative, used for hemorrhoid fistula, swelling and pain, constipation with blood.

7. Hemorrhoidling concentrate

Hemorrhoidling concentrated solution is the experience prescription of He Xiangdong, the vice chair of The Anorectal branch of Chinese Medical Association. It has the functions of clearing away heat and detoxification, moisteningbowel laxity, dryness and dampness for pain. It is used for internal and external mixed hemorrhoids and infection around the anus, etc. After 20 years of clinical application, it has the advantages of good curative effect, easy to carry, easy to use and high safety.

8. Haemorrhoiditis rinse ling

Hemorrhoiditis rinsing ling is the director of the third ward of anorectal department, deputy chief physician zhai wenwei according to years of clinical experience, after scientific processing made of topical fumigation lotion, with heat and edema clearing, qufu muscle, clearing damp insecticide, stop bleeding and relieve itching effect, clinical application in the anus and rectum of acute and chronic inflammation and postoperative complications.

9. Kidney-nourishing blood-regulating meridian Tablet

Kidney nourishing blood regulate the menstrual function of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is the national excellent clinical personnel, xi 'an backup leader zhang, director of the physician to develop new preparations of results explored, nourishing blood, facilitating the effect of activating blood regulate the menstrual function, used in kidney Yang deficiency, JingXie caused by deficiency, qi and blood of the late period, less color not pale, amenorrhea, palace cold infertility, ovulation disorders, uterine dysplasia, such as disease, in the clinical application of more than 20 years of history.

Wen Jing Xiaotong Tablet

Wenjing Xiaotong Tablet is a protocol for clinical application of gynecology for many years. It has functions of regulating menstruation, activating blood circulation, warming menstruation and relieving pain. It has been used in late menstruation and dysmenorrhea for nearly 20 years, with obvious effect and safety.

11. Heat-clearing particles

The original prescription of Qingregranule is one of the prescriptions in our hospital, which was included into the preparation standard of Shaanxi Province earlier. After several generations of medical experts, it has been continuously improved and formed into a characteristic preparation. It has been used in our hospital for 30 years, with good taste and definite curative effect. It has the effect of relieving heat and detoxifying, and can be used for fever caused by common cold and influenza.

12. Five tiger syrup

Wuhu syrup is a common prescription for pediatric experts to study. It has the effect of clearing heat and relieving cough, calming asthma and relieving spasm. It is used for tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia and pertussis, etc. Clinical application nearly 50 years, the effect is remarkable.

13. Flavored plain stomach tablets

Jiawei Pingwei Tablet is an experienced prescription accumulated in pediatric clinic for many years. It has the functions of strengthening the spleen and relieving stomach food. It has been used for hurting breast food, not thinking food, abdominal distension and restless night sleep for nearly 30 years.

14. Children phlegm particles

Children's phlegm granule is an experienced prescription accumulated by several generations of experts in pediatrics. It has been used in clinical practice for nearly 40 years, with the effect of relieving wind, ceasing cough and reducing phlegm. It is also used in bronchitis, cough with phlegm and other diseases such as restless sleep at night.

15. Hawthorn calcium granules

Hawthorn calcium granule is the protocol of pediatrics department of our hospital, has the effect of strengthening stomach and digestion, used for spleen and stomach disharmony, dyspepsia, convulsion calcium deficiency syndrome. Clinical application nearly 30 years, the effect is obvious, safe to take.

Kechuan Guben Capsule

Kechuan Guben capsule is an experienced prescription accumulated in the department of pulmonary disease for many years. It has the effect of reinforcing lung and relieving asthma. It is used for chronic bronchitis, asthma, pulmonary heart disease, repeated cold, low immune function, etc. In the past 20 years, it has obvious effect and safe to take.

17. Strong yinqiao tablets

Powerful Yinqiao tablet is a protocol prescription jointly researched by many experts in the department of respiration. It has the effect of relieving symptoms and relieving heat and detoxification. It is used for wind-heat cold, fever headache, cough, dry mouth and sore throat. Clinical application nearly 30 years, the effect is obvious, safe to take.

18. Weiqiling Capsule

Weiqiling capsule is a pure Traditional Chinese medicine preparation developed by Huang Yahui, director of Gastroenterology Department, academic leader and tutor of postgraduate students. It can be used for functional dyspepsia, upper abdominal distention pain, pain, chaos, appetite difference, discomfort of both ribs and gall bladder postoperative syndrome. Clinical application nearly 20 years, the effect is obvious, safe to take.

19. Yukuining Capsule

Yukuining Capsule is an experienced prescription of Doctor Wan Qiang, an expert in digestive diseases and tutor of master students. It has been used in clinical practice for more than 20 years. It has the functions of slow and urgent pain relief, regulating qi and bloating, strengthening the spleen and stomach, and healing muscles.

20. Quick Stomach and liver-soothing tablets

Weiweshugan Tablet is a hospital preparation jointly developed by the older generation of gastroenterology experts and pharmaceutical experts. It has been used in clinical practice for nearly 30 years with obvious effect and safety. It has the functions of strengthening the stomach and stopping vomiting, soothing the liver and relieving the pain. It is used for liver stagnation and qi stagnation, double fullness, epigastric tingling, PI Full of noise, vomiting and swallowing acid, loss of appetite, etc.

21. Shenshuanqing Ning Capsule

Shenshuiqingning capsule is the experienced prescription of famous nephropathy expert Cao Guangshun, with the effect of relieving and discharging turbiditis, detoxifying and activating collaterals, used for kidney function decrease, urea nitrogen, creatinine, blood potassium increase caused by various kinds of nephropathy. Clinical application for more than 20 years, the effect is obvious, safe to take.

22. Coronary heart activating blood tablet

Guanxin Huoxuoxu tablet is a pure Traditional Chinese medicine preparation developed by wang Yangtong, a cardiologist and chief physician. It has been used in clinical practice for nearly 40 years. It has the functions of activating blood circulation to remove blood stasis, relieving pain, etc. It is used for coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, arteriosclerosis, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, cerebral thrombosis and other diseases.

23. Jiangtangtongmai Capsule

Jiangtangtongmai capsule is a pure hospital preparation of Traditional Chinese medicine developed by Pei Ruixia, director of the Department of Endocrinology, academic leader and postgraduate tutor. It has the functions of nourishing Yin and tonifying kidney, activating blood and tonifying arteries and veins, and is used in the adjuvant treatment of type II diabetes and its chronic complications. It has been clinically applied for nearly 20 years, with obvious effect and safety.

Compound athlete's foot lotion

Compound tinea solis is a topical lotion made according to the agreement and prescription jointly researched by several experts in dermatology. It has the effects of killing mold, relieving itching, preventing corrosion and dissolving keratin. The indications are tinea pedis, tinea pedis, tinea somalis and other fungal diseases. Clinical application in the past 30 years, the effect is obvious, safe to take.

25. Huoxiang Zhengqi oral liquid

Huoxiang Zhengqi oral liquid is a hospital preparation developed by pharmaceutical experts in our hospital according to the ancient prescription. It has the functions of relieving surface dampness, regulating qi and regulating qi. It is used for fever, aversion to cold, headache, epigastric pain, vomiting, diarrhea and other diseases caused by external wind chill, internal injury dampness, etc. It has been used clinically for nearly 20 years with obvious effect and safety.

Astragalus angelica extract oral liquid

Astragalus angelica angelica oral liquid is an oral preparation developed by several pharmaceutical experts in our hospital according to the ancient prescription. It has the beneficial effect of fixing the surface of qi, nourishing the blood and regulating the liver. It is used for qi deficiency and blood deficit, dizziness, pale face, palpitation and shortness of breath, fatigue, loss of appetite and other qi and blood weakness. Clinical application nearly 30 years, the effect is obvious, safe to take.

27. Kidneyrehmannia capsule

Kidney-tonifying Rehmannia capsule, an empirical formula accumulated by generations of pediatric experts in our hospital, has the effect of nourishing the liver and kidney, suppressing the wind and opening the orifice. Used for weak limbs, deafness, delayed speech, brain dysplasia and other diseases.

28. Shenzhu Tongmai Tablet

Shen Zhu tongmai tablet is a nationally renowned dermatologist Jiang Shujing chief physician's experience prescription, its effect for clearing heat and detoxification, tongluo remove blood stasis, mainly used for vasculitis, phlebitis, osteomyelitis.

29. Pueraria relieves pain tablet

Fangge jietong tablet is the experienced prescription of wang jingyi, the chief physician of the department of encephalopathy in our hospital. It has the functions of dispersive cold clearing damp, relieving muscle pain and relieving pain. It is used for tension headache, anxious neuralgia, cervical spondylosis, periarthritis of shoulder, etc.

30. Guanxin Xiangdan tablet

Guanxin Xiangdan tablet is an experienced prescription by Zhang Suqing, the chief physician in the department of Cardiology of our hospital. It has the effects of publicizing Bi and tongyang, removing blood stasis and clearing collaterals, and is used for Yin deficiency, Yang qi obstruction, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, arrhythmia, etc.

31. Patchouli and medium granules

Huoxiang huozhong granule is a protocol prescription jointly studied by several pediatric experts in our hospital, and is one of the preparations in our hospital that have been included into the preparation specification of Shaanxi Province earlier. It has the functions of relieving surface and stomach, eliminating and stopping vomiting, fever, diarrhea and abdominal pain, etc. It has been used in clinical practice for nearly 30 years, with obvious effect and safety.

32. Oral liquid of Jiangan

Jiangan oral liquid is a pure Traditional Chinese medicine preparation developed by Yang Zhen, a national famous old Chinese medicine doctor and the director doctor who inherited the academic experience. It has the functions of nourishing the Yin and soft liver, tonifying the kidney and strengthening the spleen, enriching qi and clearing collaterals, and detoxifying stagnation. It is suitable for long-term use in patients with chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver and spleen enlarged.

33. Invigorate the spleen and invigorate qi granules

Jianpi Yiqi Granule is the experienced prescription of Wang Xisheng, the chief physician in the Chinese Medicine Department of our hospital, who has decades of rich clinical experience. It has been applied in clinical practice for more than 20 years. It has the functions of strengthening spleen and qi, reinforcing lung and fixing table, dispelling food and eliminating bulbys, and it is used for the weakness, stagnation, abdominal distension and food stagnation of spleen-deficiency syndrome. The immune function of lung qi deficiency syndrome is low.

34. Meditation is new

Jingxin Gennian tablet is a pure Chinese medicine hospital preparation developed by Pei Ruixia, director of endocrinology department of our hospital. It has the functions of tonifying kidney and spleen, nourishing Yin and clearing away heat, relieving depression and eliminating annoyance. It is used for climacteric syndrome, hot flushes and sweating, upset insomnia, etc., and can also be used for facial chloasma caused by endocrine disorders.

35. The spleen slice

Lipi Tablet is an experienced prescription accumulated in pediatrics department of our hospital for many years. It has the functions of strengthening spleen and stomach, eliminating accumulation of insects, and treating inappetenence, mental fatigue, yellow skin and lean skin, abdominal distension, green tendons exposure, indigestion, dry and rare stool and insect accumulation.

36. Heat clearing, wet detoxification particles

Qingreli-wet-jiedu granule is the experienced prescription of Wang Xinsheng, the chief physician with decades of rich clinical experience in the National Medical Center of our hospital. Its efficacy is heat-clearing, wet-reducing and detoxification, mainly used for damp-heat syndrome of spleen and stomach of viral hepatitis. It has been clinically applied for more than 20 years, with obvious effect and widely praised by patients.

37. Clear throat and benefit pharynx particles

Qingsanliyan granule is a protocol prescription in the department of respiratory in our hospital. It has the effect of qingsanliyan, yangfei and kaiyin. It is used for acute and chronic pharyngitis and upper respiratory tract infection.

38. Flexible anti-fibrillation tablets

As a hospital preparation of pure Traditional Chinese medicine originally developed by Wang Jingyi, chief physician of department of Neurology (Department of Encephalopathy) of our hospital, the function of this tablet is to soothe liver wind, stop spasm and clear collateral. It is used for tremor and paralysis, increased muscle tension, apoplexy sequelae, and movement ineptness.

Oral liquid for kidney resuscitation

Renal recovery oral liquid for dry classroom in our original jade lute, director of the physician's experience, its efficacy to prolong life, yi Yang, kidney and strong waist and brain temperature strength, promote metabolism, anti-aging, improve thinking ability, and can enhance male sexual function, is used for dizziness tinnitus, palpitations, shortness of breath, lumbar debility, god, fatigue, insomnia, much dream, night urination is frequent, impotence premature ejaculation, weigh, early white wait for all sorts of premature aging.

40. A sugar pill

Xiaotangpian is an experienced prescription of Zhang Suqing, a famous old TCM doctor in Shaanxi province and a director of academic experience inheritance. It has the function of nourishing Yin and moistening dryness, and is used for diabetes and diabetes complicated with cardiovascular diseases.

41. Xiaoshi Analgesic capsule

Disease elimination analgesic capsule of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a national excellent clinical personnel, xi 'an backup leader zhang, director of the physician to develop new preparations, their efficacy for disease fights, hysteresis, invigorate the circulation of blood line pain, used to knot inside blood stasis, qi activity caused by stasis remove lump agglomerate, the line of abdominal pain, hysteromyoma, ovarian cyst, endometriosis, etc.

42. Pain killers for the ligusticum chinensis

Ligong jinju pain-killer is the original hospital neurology (encephalopathy department) Wang Jingyi director of the development of the hospital preparation of pure Chinese medicine, its effect for the warm meridian tongluo, dispel stasis pain, attending blood stasis type headache partial headache or top headache, head wood, head distension, pain walk, purple tongue dark, coating thin white, pulse shen xian or astringent.

Raise the heart to open yu Pian

Yangxin Kaiyu tablet is a pure hospital preparation of Traditional Chinese medicine developed by Wang Jingyi, the chief physician in the department of Neurology (Department of Encephalopathy) of our hospital. Its effect is to nourish the mind and relieve depression. It is used for the diseases of depressed mind, insomnia, dreaminess, indifference, palpitation and shortness of breath.

Cough syrup

Cough syrup is a pure hospital preparation of Traditional Chinese medicine developed in our hospital. Its efficacy is relieving cough and relieving phlegm, eliminating wind and resolving surface, used for cough, pharynx itching and cough up phlegm unpleasant, has nearly 20 years of clinical application history.

45. Oral liquid for relieving cough and resolving phlegm

The oral liquid for relieving cough and resolving phlegm is the experience prescription of Cao Wentuan, the chief physician of the Chinese Medicine Center of our hospital. It has the effect of strengthening spleen and resolving phlegm, relieving cough and relieving asthma. It is used for cough caused by acute and chronic bronchitis, asthma and pneumonia caused by wind-cold phlegm dampness, cough with white phlegm, phlegm with asthma and chest tightness and poor appetite, etc. Clinical application nearly 10 years, the effect is very remarkable.